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Middle School Daily News

Today’s Date:04/26/21

Tomorrows Lunch-Entrees BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich (60g Carbs) Pizza Munchable (36g Carbs) Sides Potato Wedges (16g Carbs) Celery (2g Carbs) Pears (17g Carbs) Peanut Butter

Don't forget!  The clinic has a hygiene closet if you find that you are low on deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, oral hygiene products or any other supplies we have plenty to share for FREE. You can come any time of day. If you want to fill a bag (and don't wish to take it back to class) you may leave it in the clinic and pick it up before you go home. 

Weight Lifting is 6-12 Grade ONLY Sorry for the confusion! (NEW) You MUST have a physical to attend!

8th Grade- Impact will be offering its 4th Annual Summer Boot Camp this year. The dates are June 14th-18th. Learn about the amazing programs that will be available to you in high school while learning more about technical careers. Read this informationaround the hallway about IMPACT BootCamp! This is only available to 8th grade students. What a great opportunity!!